Peshang Hormizyar, insolvency adviser at Zuidweg & Partners, is a guest at Vallen Get Up and Continue with Jacqueline Zuidweg on New Business Radio. The subject is: stabilization and verification, small and large obstacles

Small and large obstacles

Small and big obstacles Interview with Peshang Hormizyar, insolvency advisor at Zuidweg & Partners Listen to the broadcast In this podcast we talk to Peshang Hormizyar, insolvency advisor at Zuidweg & Partners, about the verification and stabilization phase. The stabilization phase is the most intensive phase of the debt counseling process. At the beginning of the process, entrepreneurs mainly want ...

Jacqueline Zuidweg presents her series Stand up and continue again at the Zuidweg & Partners office in Hilversum. This week on the topic: stabilization and verification

Stabilization and verification

In this video, Jacqueline explains how the first two phases of the debt counseling process proceed. The first phase is the stabilization phase. The objective of the stabilization phase is to create a stable financial basis for the entrepreneur. This means that the entrepreneur earns enough to pay the fixed costs and also an amount ...