Marieken Neijman is a guest at Vallen getting up and continuing with Jacqueline Zuidweg on New Business Radio. The subject is: franchisee

The franchisee

Interview with Marieken Neijman, franchisee with the Personal Touch Travel formula. Listen to the broadcast This podcast focuses on the franchisee. My guest is Marieken Neijman, franchisee with the Personal Touch Travel formula. Marieken has been working as an independent travel advisor under this franchise formula for over a year now. Because she thought it was a difficult name, ...

Jacqueline Zuidweg presents her series Stand up and continue again at the Zuidweg & Partners office in Hilversum. This time with the topic: the franchisee.

The franchisee

This video is about the franchisee. How do you become a franchisee and why would you choose to do so? What is a franchisee? A franchisee operates a business at his own risk and accountability under the formula of a franchisor, such as the Hema. He pays for that. It is doing business 'within the rules' of an already established formula.…